+ Nuffnang +

Friday, February 26, 2010

26 Feb 2010~

Lots of things have happened naa since I last wrote on my blog...

The best thing that happened was the 11-day trip back to Iloilo, Philippines, my half hometown.
It was a totally great experience!!! If I have the chance again, I'd like to go back there and probably spend a few months there. It may be ridiculous, but that was what I thought back when we were about to go back...*sobs*

Hmm......there was a lot that my family and I have gone through....I gained a lot of experiences and I had lots of fun there. Met lots of relatives that I never knew that existed, more than 100 if counted altogether. (yes, shocking....) Well....since I don't have much time now to write down my whole trip there, I'll find another time where I'll be completely free from day to night to type it all down~ :3

Anyway....I'm having a feeling that I have at least 2000 emails in my Yahoo!Mail inbox coz I've been away and never logged into my Yahoo! Mail for almost 3 weeks, ughh~!!!!!!

I feel great to get back to school...coz I didn't went to school on Monday and Tuesday...plus today was a holiday, so this week I went  to school only for two days~ XD bad bad girl, am I? Haha....but what's the catch?? A mountain pile high of homeworks...haizz.....life is totally unfair....

In midst of preparing for cosplay now. Hana-taichou says that she's gonna help me order my Miku wig (waist length, then slightly curled for Magnet version) next month. Well, taichou, you gotta do it FAST coz if I can't get my free May'n concert tickets next week, I'd never be able to see May'n!!!!!! >M<

Hmm....maybe I'll update on my trip to the Philippines, coz I think I'll have the time tomorrow~maybe....but I'm guessing....with the amount of homework I'm having now, I find it kinda impossible to update my blog frequently....haizz....

Oyasumi, minna~ X3

Sunday, February 7, 2010

07 Feb 2010~ d(^w^)b

Okay....so let's start the day with not being able to go to church today....again~ *sobs* Why, you may ask? Well....Frances came back late from taekwondo class today...haihhh....but, what to do....too late ady....GYAHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Moving on....went to Hartamas Shopping Centre today....no where to go but there, as usual..XD missed that place a lot though, since we haven't been there for quite some time...oh, there was an awesome Lion Dance performance while we were there~ there was a black-gold lion, a gold lion and a silver @ white lion, or as I call it, Besta [P.S: Xanxus's Box Weapon~~ XD] They were really kawaiii!!!!!! I would've definitely hugged it if they were REAL lions!!!!!!! Anyway.....bought new pens and liquid paper since I ran out of it just LAST WEEK....


Finally!!!!!! Countdown 4 days to go 'til I'm finally going back to Philipphines for the first time in my life!!!!!! I've been to my half hometown before, which is in Grik, Perak....never before in my life I've been to my other half hometown, which is Iloilo, Philipphines....SO DARN EXCITED!!!!!!!!

*Looks at mountain pile high of homeworks* OH SHOOT!!!! HOMEWORKS!!!! GOTTA DO IT NOW!!!!
*runs off*

Matta ne, minna~ (^w^)V

Saturday, February 6, 2010

06 Feb 2010....

It's another normal day....with school, of course....replacement class for chinese new year holidays...XD Felt a sense of achieveness coz I finally get to pass up my folio moral (form 4 tugasan + laporan kerja amal: complete 100%; form 5 tugasan + laporan kerja amal: complete 0% [lol...XD]) to Pn. Noor Hidayah during recess time...now I got one thing less to worry about for the CNY holidays....except more homeworks of course...XD

Today there was no physics class since En.Hussaini was not in....PJK was so damn fun~ :3 We played renjam lembing, futsal, lompat tinggi (which I consider as a practice for my upcoming sports day..XD) and...that's about it, I guess....:3

I got the sample pictures on all the VOCALOID today....Hana-taichou asked me to choose one of the MANY types of outfits that Miku wear....out of the 7 pages of the pictures, i think Miku has like, 50 outfits or so??? It's a lot to choose from!!!!  but in the end i chose Magnet version, school uniform version and kimono version, since it's the easiest ones to do....

Also, we (me & Hana-taichou) will be doing Miku & Mikuo for our school's Interact Club International Understanding Day @ I.U day since this year their theme is Japanese + Korean~ so excited kyaa~~~ but I still haven't asked Car Men about the date...gotta confirm the date with her first before I proceed to ask Hana-taichou to order me beloved wig~~ X3

Currently (until 11.55p.m) I've manage to chase until eps 148 1/2...haha....it's a very good progress for someone like me....yet....I'm still left far behind compared with my friends....especially Michiru....she's already at the CURRENT episode that has been aired in Japan, which is eps 170...so I'm like, 21 eps behind~~ TTwTT

Homeworks that needs to be passed up next week is a mountain pile high, so gotta gambatte to finish it all!!!! I don't wanna be like last year!!!!! I wanna pass up all my homeworks right on time this year!!! No more overdue homeworks like I used to have back in form 1~form 4~~ *punishes myself*

Yay~finally~next Thursday I'm going back to Philipphines for the CNY holidays!!!!! X3  Yes, you heard me, THURSDAY!!!!!! So....basically as you know.....I won't be going to school on Friday....soo....5 Cekal girls, especially Hana-taichou, jot down homeworks for me, nyaa?? d(>w<)b

Wanna stay in FB and CF forum now, got lots of things to catch up with~~
Oyasumi, minna~~~

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2 Feb 2010....

After a long tiring day at school, I finally get to sit down and blog!!!! :3

Ahh...so to begin with.....

Hana-taichou....you don't have to hide from me already lar....I saw your beloved Hanzu already lar!!!! *evil laughs*
But we're just good friends, so don't think something else, ok? XDD
Besides....I have my Lambo-san ady lor....

anywayz....update on my cosplay plans with Hana-taichou....
We'll be doing Vocaloid first this year~~ whee~~~ she'll be my Mikuo and I'll be her Miku....magnet version...she also said she wanna be my Sebby~~ X3 KHR?? hmm.....leave it for CF10...still so long to go...XDD

oh, about yesterday....
mentang-mentang yesterday is Hari Wilayah, everyone "attacked" the Sultan Azlan Shah airport imigration....we waited for a good SIX HOURS just to submit out form to apply for passport....GYAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! There was like, more than literally 1000 people who crammed inside the room of only twice the size of my classroom....I saw the same people for that six long hours....six hours? That's like, the exact same amount of time that a typical student spends in school!!! (unless they ponteng, of course...XDD)  but, it was worth the wait....after finally getting to submit the forms and all the process, we finally can balik rumah and pengsan on the bed~ didn't get to go online coz damn tired......slept like a baby and I didn't want to wake up this morning...XDD

Now...to one of my biggest issue in rumah sukan this year....can anyone tell me if i shud re-join cheer for this year?? Coz after what I've been through in form 3, i'm kinda traumatised on the whole event...>< haha.....thou i love cheerleading, but i think what i've been through was too tough....><

Haha....I think today I became rather close with a couple of my friends....Hanzu (Hana-taichou, don't kamikorosu me!!!!), Xajin, Hikari, Francis Aki, and so much more.... :3
They're make very good friends once I get to know them better....^w^

Ah well....i think i'm gonna settle a score with a particular  person first....[that person.....if you read this post, you should know what I mean, rite??? KAMIKOROSU!!!!! *bites bites*]

Naa.....now I gotta prepare for dinner and finish homework...and also plan my budget for my cosplay this year and May'n's concert~ MAY'N!!!!!!!!! I LUV YOU!!!!!!

now....OFF TO WHAT I'M GONNA DO NEXT!!!!!!!!